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What is a Tollgate Review?

A Tollgate Review process will help you determine if the goals in a DMAIC stage have been completed and whether you can move on to the next stage. A Lean Six Sigma Control Tollgate Review is like a checkpoint at which the various team members meet with a project Champion and determine whether the work has been performed as indicated in the project plan and whether the objectives mentioned have been achieved.

The ‘Control’ Stage Tollgate Review plan process


Monitoring Plan

  • Is there a control plan in place for this project?
  • What key inputs and outputs are being measured?
  • How will input, process, and output variables be checked to detect for sub-optimal conditions?
  • How will new or emerging customer needs/requirements be checked or communicated to orient the process toward meeting the new specifications?
  • Are control charts being used? If “No”, then why?
  • How will the SME’s effectively monitor performance over time?

Documented Procedures

  • Is there documented procedures to define the “New Best Practice”
  • Are corrective restorative actions indicated on the response plan for known causes to problems that might surface?

Transfer of Ownership (Project Closure)

  • Who is or are the process owners?
  • How will the day-to-day responsibilities for monitoring and continual improvement be transferred from the improvement team to the process owner?
  • Is there a recommended audit plan for routine surveillance inspections of the DMAIC project’s gains?

Integrating and Institutionalizing Improvements, Knowledge and Learnings

  • What other areas of the organization might benefit from the project team’s improvements, knowledge, and learning?
  • How might the organization capture best practices and lessons learned so as to leverage improvements across the business?

Control Stage Deliverables

  • Completed and approved Control Plan
  • Solution to verify process is in control
  • New process steps, standards, and documentation are ingrained into normal operations.
  • Operating procedures are consistent.
  • Training schedule outlined
  • Completed audit plan to ensure results are sustained and process remains in control
  • Reaction plan completed (part of the Control Plan)
  • Improvement transfer opportunities identified (Can you translate this to other areas?)
  • Any red flags with project or implementation of new process and recommendations to resolve
  • Signed approval of report out by Project Champion