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#1 Reason: Increase your Salary Potential!

The number 1 reason you should get Lean Six Sigma Certification is so you can become a more valuable asset to your company, and therefore, you can get a paycheck that reflects that depending on the L belt levels you achieve. According to salary data published on, the salary for Lean Six Sigma-certified individuals can reach or exceed $117,000 a year which makes it well worth the cost of the Lean Six Sigma certification. Experienced LSS certified practitioners routinely earn $100,000 or more and are among the highest-paid professionals around the globe.

What are the lean six sigma certification levels?
What are the lean six sigma certification levels?
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#2 Reason: Top Companies will be Looking for You

The second most important reason to get LSS certification is to be able to add it to your resume and make your CV more attractive or stand out from the crowd. All you have to do is look at the job descriptions of just about every discipline on sites like Most require or look favorably on a LSS Certification. If you have certification, you will have a leg up. Below you can see just a few of the companies that pay up to $120k for a LSS Practitioner.

What is the cost of lean six sigma certification?
What is the cost of lean six sigma certification?

#3 Reason: You will become a Rock Star in your Organization!

How valuable would you be to your organization if you could guarantee a $400k – $600k savings annually? As a certified LSS practitioner, you have the potential to complete three projects each with the median value of a hard financial savings of $200,000!

According to a survey given by, “the median value of ‘hard’ financial savings (direct impact to a company’s financial statement) per Six Sigma Black Belt project is $200,000 across all industries and company sizes.” Research: Black Belt Return on Investment.

If this hasn’t convinced you to start your LSS journey, then I don’t know what will… If I have, then you can sign up to get started with your certification below.

cost of lean six sigma certification
What is the cost of lean six sigma certification