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Six Sigma Analyze Tollgate Review

A Six Sigma Analyze phase Tollgate Review is like a checkpoint at which the various team members meet with a project Champion and determine whether the work has been performed as indicated in the project plan and whether the objectives mentioned have been achieved.

A Tollgate Review will help you determine if the goals in a DMAIC stage have been completed and whether you can move on to the next stage.

What is the six sigma analyze phase?
What is the six sigma analyze phase?

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) (Qualitative Analysis)

  • Has the Preliminary FMEA been developed?
    • Has the Team drilled down on at least the five Key Inputs determined through the C&E Matrix
  • Has the team discovered any quick wins from the FMEA? If so, how are they being dealt with?

Quantitative Analysis

  • What Statistical Tools were used to analyze the data?
  • Has the team gathered data for a Mult-Vari Analysis to determine the “Critical Few” Variables?
  • Has the team used the Basic Quality Tools to graphically analyze the data?
  • Has a Hypothesis statement(s), null hypothesis, and alternative hypothesis been developed for the data analyzed

Quantifying the Gap/Opportunity

  • What is the cost of poor quality (COPQ) as supported by the team’s analysis?
  • What are the revised rough order estimates of the financial savings/opportunity for the improvement project?
  • Have the problem and goal statements been updated to reflect the additional knowledge gained from the analysis phase?
  • Have any additional benefits been identified that will result from closing all or most of the gaps?
  • What were the financial benefits resulting from any ‘ground fruit or low-hanging fruit’ (quick fixes)?
Tollgate Review

Analyze Stage Deliverables

  • Revised Charter problem statement reflecting an increased understanding of the problem
  • Additional Sources of Variation are statistically quantified and prioritized
  • Use and display Multi-Vari tools to identify and verify the “Vital few” (Knob Variable) factors
  • Graphical analysis and interpretation of data using Basic Quality Tools
  • Correlation and Regression Analysis (if Applicable)
  • Hypothesis statement(s), null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis has been developed for the data analyzed
  • Hypothesis test output, p-value, and interpretation of the data
  • Any red flags with the project or project scope and recommendations to resolve
  • Red flags and recommendations for resolving them defined
  • Next steps documented
  • Approval of report out signed by Project Champion