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Can I Skip My Green Belt and Go Straight to Black?

I get calls and emails asking the question “Can I Skip my Six Sigma Green Belt Project, take my Green and Black Belt together and only complete my Black Belt Project?”

My answer is always “it depends”

When asked this question, I immediately think to myself “Does this person want to learn and grow as a practitioner of Lean Six Sigma, or are they trying to short cut the process?”

Over 92% of our students who combine both the Green Belt and Black Belt courses and opt to complete the Black Belt project find it too early overwhelming. They ask to complete their Green Belt level project first, audit the Black Belt course again and then complete a Black Belt project.

When I get the call that I mentioned in the beginning of this article, I clue the potential client to what I have told you in this article.

When you ask “Can I Skip my Green Belt Project, take my Green and Black Belt together and only complete my Black Belt Project?”, I will respond …

“It Depends … Can you?”

Luckily, our strict certification process will ensure that when you earn your Six Sigma Black Belt certification, you will have knowledge and experience of a Six Sigma Black Belt.

What is Six Sigma Green Belt?

Six Sigma Green Belt means that an individual has passed Six Sigma certification. They can solve quality problems, improve processes, and analyze them using Six Sigma. A Six Sigma green belt is a sign of an interest in professional growth.

Six Sigma green belts manage individual Six Sigma projects. Black belts keep you informed of the progress. Six Sigma green belts are often able to contribute to data collection and analysis. Six Sigma yellow belts can be supervised and trained by Six Sigma green belts. Black belt certification may be an option for those who wish to take on more leadership roles in their company.

What does a Green Belt Do?

Yellow Belt Training Opens your eyes to the possibilities of Six Sigma. The Yellow Belts are taught how to use Six Sigma tools and techniques in specific areas. For example, they learn how to gather data for a project. This is no easy task.

Green Belts move on to the next level. These are often professionals who have been working in process improvement and want to be leaders in their field. Green Belts are specialists in DMAIC, which is a fundamental methodology in Six Sigma.

DMAIC stands as:

  • Definition – Defining a problem and building a case to why it should be solved
  • Measure – Setting goals and measuring performance standards are key to an organization’s effectiveness.
  • Analyze and Sifting data for issues such as process redundancy
  • Improve – Creating, implementing, and sustaining process improvements measures and also creating standards for measuring their effectiveness
  • Control –Adjustment new processes to meet all goals
six sigma green belt black belt

Many Green Belts work under the direct supervision of a Black Belt, who usually leads a group. Green Belts are responsible for data collection and analysis. Sometimes, they will assist Yellow Belts and supervise them.

What is a Six Sigma Black Belt and how does it work?

Six Sigma black belts, a level of certification, indicate an individual’s qualifications and their passing score on Six Sigma blackbelt certification exams. Six Sigma black belts have the knowledge and understanding of green belts, as well as a greater understanding of Six Sigma. They are often the leaders of Six Sigma projects in their companies. They mentor train and supervise Six Sigma professionals at lower levels.

Six Sigma black belts have the responsibility of delegating green belt responsibilities and assigning them to specific projects. They follow up with green belts to monitor progress on different projects. They must also communicate with senior leaders to represent project teams. Six Sigma Master Black Belt is the highest Six Sigma certification. Master black belts are sometimes able to oversee Six Sigma black belts, but they are usually independent.

What does a Black Belt Do?

Black Belts not only have the same expertise as Green Belts in Six Sigma tools and techniques but also have a greater understanding of how Six Sigma methodology can be applied to business goals. Black Belts will be expected to lead Six Sigma project teams.

As Green Belts collect and analyze data, Black Belts supervise their work. Black Belts make sure that accurate information is collected and used in the best way possible. A Black Belt is usually full-time, even though they may hold a lower belt (Green Belts included).

Black Belts are also crucial in communicating with executives. This requires the ability to create strategic plans and identify ways Six Sigma projects will benefit them.

Green Belts and Black Belts are key to Six Sigma process improvement. These Six Sigma belts are for those who want to be more visible in managing change within their organizations.