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Multiple Regression

Multiple regression is an extension to the simple linear equation. A simple linear analysis involves studying two variables. One variable is the independent variable (X) and the other the dependent variable (Y). This is used to predict the change of the dependent variable using the difference between the independent and dependent variables. It could also be known as a Multiple regression line. There are 3 multiple linear regression equation calculation websites that will assist you while you calculate your own!

What are the applications?

A multiple regression calculation is useful in many different fields. Human Resource professionals may collect information about an employee’s wage based on work experience and competency. This data can be used for building a model to determine wages for employees. Are there employees who are paid more than the norm? Is there any employee or group that is paid less than the norm?
Similar to the previous, different researchers might use regression to determine which variables are most likely to predict a particular outcome. It is important to determine which independent variables are necessary in order to match the results. What factors affect how schools score on t?

The Multiple Regression equation includes five types of terms in the calculation:

  • b : This is the overall effect. It determines the starting point for all other effects regardless of the X variables.
  • biXi: These are the main effects in terms of the equation. They are the b1X1 or b2X2 pieces. These terms, just like the simple linear regression model’s main effects terms, capture the linear effect that each Xi has upon the output Y.
  • biiXi2 – b11X12, b22X22 and b22X22 respectively are the squared or second-order effects for each of these Xs. The effect is quadratic, rather than linear, because the variable is increased to the second power. These second-order effects can be identified by the associated b and ii coefficients.
  • This effect is known as the interaction effect. This term allows input variables to have an inter- or combined effect on the outcome of Y. The b12 coefficient captures the magnitude and direction.
  • e: This term describes all random variation that other terms cannot explain. e is a normal distribution that has its center at zero.

Multiple Regression Calculation Online

Social Science Statistics:

This simple multiple linear regression calculator uses the least-squares method to calculate the line of best fitting for data that includes two independent X values, and one dependent value Y. This allows you to estimate the value (or explanation) of a dependent variable (Y), from two independent variables (X1 or X2).

Statistics Kingdom:

Multiple regression calculator uses variable transformations to calculate R, the Linear equation and the p value. It calculates outliers as well as the adjusted Fisher-Pearson coefficient to determine skewness. After verifying the normality and multicollinearity of the residuals, the program interprets them. The program then creates a histogram, residuals QQ-plots and a correlation matrix. It also draws a distribution graph. You can either transform the variables or exclude any predictor.

Stats Solver:

Stats Solver is a multiple linear regression tool that’s designed to quickly calculate any statistical problem. You can use our intuitive interface to enter the problem and get a step-by-step solution. Even if there isn’t an issue you need to solve, there are still lessons you can take from other cases. The multiple regression calculator allows you to quickly change values and see if the solution has changed. Click on the definitions, formulas and explanations links at the bottom of each page to learn more about this topic.