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What Does y=f(x) Mean, and How to Use It?

What Does y=f(x) Mean, and How to Use It?

Table of contentsWhat Does y=f(x) Mean, and How to Use It?DMAIC ProcessHow do the DMAIC process and Y=f(x) work together?Y=f(x) – Define the YY=f(x) – Measure the XsAnalyze to find the most important XsImprove and Optimize the Important XsBenefits of Attending to...
A Brief History of Six Sigma

A Brief History of Six Sigma

Table of contents Brief History of Six Sigma Created by Bill Smith Jack Welch made Six Sigma famous The synergy between LEAN and Six Sigma Boeing adopted Six Sigma in 1993 Related SSDSI Articles Brief History of Six Sigma Few people know the brief history of Lean Six...
What Is DMAIC and How Does It Work for Your Business?

What Is DMAIC and How Does It Work for Your Business?

DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. It is a fundamental part of Six Sigma, a methodology aimed at improving processes by reducing variation and defects. This guide will break down each step of the DMAIC process and explain how it can be...
SWOT Analysis: A Proven Method for Success

SWOT Analysis: A Proven Method for Success

SWOT analysis is a strategic tool used by organizations to evaluate their internal and external environments. The acronym stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, which represent key elements that influence a business’s success. This...