What is Mind Mapping?

What is Mind Mapping?

Basically, it’s a tool for creative thinking. It’s a tool that can be used to brainstorm and present different ideas visually.

What is Brainstorming?

What is Brainstorming?

Table of contentsBrainstorming is an example of a powerful Six Sigma ToolTools to Keep Your Brainstorming StructuredWhen to conduct a brainstorming session?The basics of BrainstormingSelect ParticipantsWrite a Background MemoMake a list of lead questionsVariations of...
What Are The 8 Wastes of Lean?

What Are The 8 Wastes of Lean?

Table of contentsWhat are the 8 Wastes of LEAN Manufacturing?The 8 Wastes of LEANHow to Identify The 8 WastesRelated Articles What are the 8 Wastes of LEAN Manufacturing? LEAN thinking is a way to eliminate waste from work processes. It is important to first...
What is Design Thinking?

What is Design Thinking?

Table of contents What is Design Process Thinking? Wicked vs. Tame Problems What’s the Purpose of Design Thinking? What’s the Value? What are the design principles? Ideation Empathy and user-centricity Collaboration Action-orientated bias Iteration and...
What is Project Management?

What is Project Management?

Table of contentsWhat is Project Management?What is the Importance of Project Management?BenefitsWhat is the Project Management Process?Tips to manage your project successfullyTypes of Project ManagementLEAN Project ManagementAgile Project ManagementWaterfall Project...