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Lean Six Sigma SIPOC stands for Suppliers’ Inputs Process Outputs Customers. SIPOC, in practical terms, is a process mapping method and improvement method that summarises the inputs and outputs from one or more processes using SIPOC diagrams. COPIS is the alternative acronym. This puts the customer’s needs first and shows the company’s value to them.

SIPOC was first used in the 1980s as part of the total quality movement. SIPOC is a part of the Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, and Business Process Management disciplines.

Project management software allows you to collect all elements of your SIPOC, and then organize them into an action plan. Project Manager, a cloud-based project, and work management software, helps you to organize tasks and better execute them. You can work as you wish with our multiple-project view. You can, for example, gather all data from your SIPOC into a task list, then assign tasks, set priorities, and see the status of work once it starts.

SIPOC Elements

Let’s begin with the first letter of the acronym: suppliers or customers. These could be internal or external to an organization. These could be information, services, or material.

Instead of focusing on the individual steps, the focus should be on the whole process.

  • Suppliers: Providers for inputs to a process.
  • Inputs: Resources (such as materials) required to complete the process.
  • Process: Steps used to convert inputs into outputs.
  • Outputs A product or service that is created by the process.
  • Customers: Receivers of Outputs.

These elements are then gathered in a SIPOC Diagram. Let’s find out what a SIPOC chart is and how to make one.

How to create a Lean Six Sigma SIPOC diagram

SIPOC diagrams are a useful visual tool that can be created quickly. It is useful in defining who provides the input, which raw materials are used, and what customer requirements the process requires. First, choose a process that will benefit from creating a SIPOC. These are the steps to create a SIPOC map.

1. Identify Suppliers

What suppliers can you trust to supply you with the raw materials you require for your inputs? You should list them here. Each input might have a different supplier. If this is the case, you should list all of them. We mean suppliers if they have a direct effect on the outputs.

2. Identify Inputs

You now need to identify the resources and raw materials required for your business to function. It doesn’t matter if you list all of them, just the most important and essential inputs.

3. The Process:

This is a summary of the business process. The high-level steps, which consist of subjects and actions, should be listed only. This could be the beginning and end points of the process, or it could be a simple flowchart.

4. Define Outputs

Nouns can be used to describe outputs. These could be products, information, or services.

5. Identify customers

With the outputs of your business process, define who you want to target. Customers don’t necessarily have to be outsiders. They can also be employees, board members, or coworkers.

6. Analyze customer requirements

What are the process requirements or measurements for the product, information, or service? These requirements are often determined by the customer or a regulatory agency.

Lean Six SIgma SIPOC Example

Here’s an example of SIPOC: creating a healthy smoothie. Create a table with five columns that contain the five words of the SIPOC acronym. The supplier is responsible for creating smoothies for customers. A smoothie preparer, a store manager, and an order taker are necessary to do this.

This leads to inputs. Next, there is the recipe for making it, the receipt to confirm the sale, and the countertop to interact directly with the customer. This includes a blender, and possibly a timer. You will also need the ingredients to make the smoothie.

We are now moving on to the actual process. Start by receiving the order and ingredients. Blend the ingredients according to the recipe. Before you inform the customer that your order is complete, you will probably need to test it.

This process produces the finished purchase, the order, and, hopefully, a tasty smoothie and a happy customer. If they give you the receipt, they may tip you for providing good service. We now reach the customer who came to your establishment because they were hungry. There’s also the smoothie maker and the store owner who are customers when they go out to buy the ingredients.