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Critical to Quality (CTQ) is a term used in the field of quality management to refer to characteristics or attributes of a product or service that are essential for meeting the requirements or expectations of the customer. CTQs are typically identified as part of a process called “Voice of the Customer” (VOC), in which the needs and preferences of the customer are collected and used to inform the design and development of a product or service.

Critical To Quality is important because they represent the factors that are most important to the customer and that have the most significant impact on the overall satisfaction of the customer. Identifying and addressing CTQs is an essential part of the quality management process, as it helps to ensure that the product or service meets the needs and expectations of the customer.

Examples of CTQs may include:

  • Performance: The ability of the product or service to meet its intended purpose or function
  • Reliability: The ability of the product or service to perform consistently over time
  • Durability: The ability of the product to withstand wear and tear
  • Convenience: The ease of use or accessibility of the product or service
  • Aesthetics: The appearance or design of the product
  • Safety: The ability of the product or service to be used safely

CTQs are typically prioritized based on their importance to the customer, and efforts are made to improve or optimize them as part of the quality management process.

How to Identify Critical To Quality?

There are several steps that can be taken to identify Critical to Quality (CTQ) characteristics or attributes of a product or service:

  1. Gather customer feedback: One of the most effective ways to identify CTQs is to ask the customer directly. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews. By collecting feedback from a representative sample of customers, it is possible to identify the factors that are most important to them and that have the greatest impact on their overall satisfaction.
  2. Analyze customer complaints: Another way to identify CTQs is to review customer complaints and identify common themes or issues. By analyzing patterns in customer complaints, it is possible to identify areas where the product or service is not meeting the needs or expectations of the customer.
  3. Review industry benchmarks: CTQs may also be identified by comparing the product or service to industry benchmarks or standards. By reviewing the characteristics of similar products or services in the same industry, it is possible to identify areas where the product or service could be improved or optimized.
  4. Conduct a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA): A failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a tool that is used to identify potential sources of failure or defects in a product or process. By identifying and addressing potential failure modes, it is possible to identify CTQs and take steps to improve them.
  5. Use Six Sigma tools: Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that includes a set of tools and techniques that can be used to identify and optimize CTQs. These tools include process mapping, root cause analysis, and statistical analysis, which can be used to identify areas of the product or process that are not meeting the needs or expectations of the customer.

In summary, identifying CTQs involves gathering and analyzing customer feedback, reviewing industry benchmarks and customer complaints, conducting a failure mode and effects analysis, and using Six Sigma tools and techniques. By following these steps, it is possible to identify the characteristics or attributes of a product or service that are most important to the customer and that have the greatest impact on their satisfaction.