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A Change Management Plan is Not That Difficult, and I’ll Prove It!

They believe that change is the only constant. We would argue that resistance to change could be another. This is especially true in today’s fast-changing business environment. Globalization and technology are driving unprecedented change. Organizations understand that they must adapt to survive. A successful six sigma change management process guides both the organization and the individuals involved with tools. They can get out of their current state, move through the transition phase, and then into the future. In this article, you’ll see a change management example on how you can detect ways to better a process.

Transitions can be delicate. While achieving the organizational goals, they must also consider the human element. Many change management plans do not address every detail. Except for the pesky people.

A solid plan for change management and a dedicated team to implement it are essential to succeed. Are you unsure what change management is? Let’s dive deep into the topic of change management.

What is Change Management?

Companies use a variety of processes and strategies to manage organizational change that involves people. These processes make the transition smooth.

Employees resist change because of fear about what it might bring. People are afraid of increased workloads, outdated skill sets, vague expectations, and worse, getting fired.

Change management places the human factor at the center of proposed changes.

Change management is not that difficult; I’ll prove it with a simple exercise

This exercise was given to me by Ronald Johnson, the Senior Quality Engineer at Silgan Plastics in Seymour, Indiana. Ron is a great teacher with great stories that definitely make you think! Write your first and last name on a piece of paper or a whiteboard five times with your dominant hand. Time and record how long it takes to write your name five times.

Repeat the process three times (you should write your name a total of 15 times).

You should see that you have a consistent and stable process. It should take close to the same time to write your name each time that you write it.

Now write every other letter of your name on a piece of paper or on a white board five times.

Time and record how long it takes to write every other letter of your name five times.

Repeat the process three times (you should write your name a total of 15 times).

What is a six sigma change management process tool example?
What is a six sigma change management process tool example?

What you’ll see from this exercise is the first time you write your name using only every other letter, it was a very slow process.

This process of writing your name is not one that you are accustomed to.

Once you learn the process, the second through the fifth time you write every other letter of your name gets steadily faster.

The process gets more consistent and stable as you build a new habit.

This is a great way to show that we can learn a new process.

We are inherently afraid of change. In a Continuous Improvement effort, Change Agents often hear that “that is the way we have always operated.”

Even though a Cell, Department, or Organization “wants” change, they are still roadblocked by the “fear of change.”

What other games or simulations can we use to show that change is not so difficult?

Please tell us in the comments below.