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“WHY THEY FAIL” Book Sample


This is a FREE sample of the book that will help you to understand the reason why 90% of Continuous Improvement Efforts (like Lean and Six Sigma) either Fail or Quit within 18 months.

The complete book will show you how companies fail to build a sustainable effort and what the ensuing failure looks like.  Then

In the complete book, I will show you the Simple Key to Success. If you want to build a sustainable continuous improvement culture in your organization, buy and read this book! The can find the complete copy of the book at


If you are thinking about reading this book, you most likely belong to one of the groups:

  • You have been tasked by your company to implement a continuous improvement program and you have no idea how. Don’t worry, we will show you how not to fail.
  • You have implemented a continuous improvement program and it has failed. We will show you where you went wrong and how to fix your deployment
  • You are interested in how to implement a continuous improvement program for your organization and had the epiphany “I have little experience and may need some help”.

My team and I have been engaged with 100’s of companies and have seen a plethora of epic failures in their attempts to start a continuous improvement program. I use the saying in my classes “common sense is not very common” and I rarely see common sense when building the culture of continuous improvement. In this book, I am going to show you how companies fail (and most do) and I am going to show you the simple key to success.


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