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Often, business process quality management (BPQM) is abbreviated to process management. It can also be called reengineering. An organization can use a variety of different methods to align its various components with its customers’ needs.

Business Process Quality Management refers to a variety of methods that an organization uses in order align all components of its business with the needs of customers. This helps to minimize waste and improve the quality of products and services.
Six Sigma is one example of a process improvement technique that can be used to improve communication and redesign processes in an organization. It is important to reduce the chances of defects in products and services by identifying them early.

Business Process Quality Management is all about process modeling. Both academics and practitioners are hindered by the inability to support evaluating the quality process models, let alone creating high-quality processes models. The existing frameworks are too broad or too conceptual. There are many techniques, tools and research results that can be used to address fragments of the problem at hand. The SIQ framework is presented in this chapter. It combines concepts and guidelines from other sources and links them to current research in BPM. There are three types of quality. For each level, concrete metrics, tools and guidelines will be provided. Although the SIQ framework itself is considered to be robust, it can be updated as new insights emerge.

What is the importance of quality management in business processes?

It is important to understand the importance of quality management in business processes for these reasons:

1. Greater consistency

You can use this tool to help your company achieve more consistency in its business processes if you are an expert on quality management.

2. Waste reduction

This concept can be applied in your business to reduce waste and increase the efficiency of your resource use.

3. Customer satisfaction

You can dramatically improve the quality of your business processes by understanding business process management in order to better serve your customers.