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The Greatest LEAN Pull Game Ever!



When I or one of my colleagues teach a class about “Replenishment Pull and Kanban” most at first cross their arms in disbelief saying “that won’t work in my industry”. When they engage in the game that I am about to explain to you, their defenses break down and the discussion begins.



When I or one of my colleagues teach a class about “Replenishment Pull and Kanban” most at first cross their arms in disbelief saying “that won’t work in my industry”. When they engage in the game that I am about to explain to you, their defenses break down and the discussion begins.

One of the most Paradigm Shifting methodologies in Lean is “Replenishment Pull and KanBan”. This method is opposite to the way we traditionally produce products, services and transactions.

Because “Pull” is so foreign to us, it makes difficult to get the point across in words.

We as teachers have to use more effective methods. In my experience, I have found that games and simulations are very effective at teaching complex or “paradigm shifting” topics.

I will show you a game that has been very effective at showing the difference between a traditional “Push” process and a “Pull” process.

Here is a -Snippit- of what you will see in the instructions:



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