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What is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT analysis (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is a framework that can be used to assess a company’s competitive position and to plan for the future. A SWOT analysis has a lot of benefits because it examples and evaluates both internal and external factors as well as future and current potential.

SWOT analysis helps to provide a real, fact-based, and data-driven view of the strengths and weaknesses within an organization, its initiatives, or the industry. An organization must avoid preconceived notions or gray areas in order to make the SWOT analysis accurate. Instead, it should focus on real-life situations. It should be used by companies as a guide, not as a prescription.

Understanding SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis can be used to assess the performance, potential, competition, risk, reward, and potential of any business. It also includes a part of the business such as a product or division, industry, or another entity.

The technique uses internal data to guide businesses towards strategies that are more likely to succeed and away from those that have failed or are less likely to succeed. Investors, competitors, and independent SWOT analysts can help them determine whether a company, product, or industry is strong or weak, and why.

SWOT Analysis Components and Examples

These four categories will be included in every one. Although the elements and discoveries in these categories may vary from one company to another, a SWOT analysis cannot be complete without them all.


The strengths of an organization are what it excels at, and what sets it apart from the rest. These include a strong brand and loyal customer base, strong balance sheets, unique technology, etc. A hedge fund might have a unique trading strategy that beats the market. The fund must decide how to use these results to attract investors.


Organizations can’t perform at their best when they have weaknesses. These are areas that the business must improve in order to be competitive.


Opportunities are favorable external factors that can give an organization a competitive edge. A country may reduce tariffs so that a car manufacturer can export to a new market. This will increase sales and market share.


Threats are factors that could cause harm to an organization. A drought could result in the loss or reduction of crop yields for a wheat-producing firm. Other threats include rising material costs, increased competition, and tight labor supply. These are just a few examples of swot analysis.

Benefits of SWOT Analysis

Although a SWOT analysis will not solve all company problems, it can help with some. A SWOT analysis benefit is that it can help with strategic decision-making.

  • A SWOT analysis can make complex problems easier to manage. It is possible to have a lot of data and not enough information to be able to make a decision. These will be easier to digest if it has been broken down into smaller pieces and ranked by importance.
  • External factors must be considered when conducting one. A company might be tempted to focus on internal factors only when making decisions. There are many factors outside of a company’s control that can influence the outcome of business decisions. The analysis includes both the factors a company can control and those that are more difficult to manage.
  • The SWOT analysis examples can be used to address almost any business problem. An organization, team or individual can be included in the SWOT analysis. The analysis can also be used to analyze the entire product line and changes in brand, geographic expansion, or acquisition. SWOT analysis has many uses.
  • SWOT analyses use different data sources. Companies will most likely use their internal information to identify strengths and weaknesses. External information will be needed to assess the potential threats and opportunities in broad markets, competitors and macroeconomic forces. A SWOT analysis is a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to analyzing information.
  • A big swot analysis benefits is that it might not require too much effort. Many staff members can help with its preparation without any training or consulting from outside.