Lean Six Sigma Case Studies
A Lean Six Sigma Project to Reduce Leadtime at a Tubing Company
Table of contentsA Lean Six Sigma Project to Reduce Leadtime at a Tubing Company A Lean Six Sigma Project to Reduce Leadtime at a Tubing Company SSDSI used "Day 0" of the event to complete data analysis with SME and VSM to reduce the scope of the project. The company...
Healthcare Case Study
Healthcare Case Study LEAN 5S Event Case Study at a Healthcare Center to Increase Bed Space and Remove the Need for a Proposed New Facility. Six Sigma Development Solutions, Inc. was invited to a Health Care Center in South Texas by a new CEO. This hospital was in the...
Six Sigma Case Study to Reduce Leakers
Table of contentsSix Sigma Case Study to Reduce LeakersWhat is Six Sigma?Related articles Six Sigma Case Study to Reduce Leakers In this Lean Six Sigma project case study, we were tasked with reducing the amount of "Leakers" on a Bartelt Line producing Pistachios...
Lean Six Sigma Project to Reduce Office 365 Outlook Incident Tickets
Table of contentsLean Six Sigma Project to Reduce Office 365 Outlook Incident TicketsOur Top 10 Tips and Tricks, and Best Practices for Outlook to Boost WorkflowRelated articles Lean Six Sigma Project to Reduce Office 365 Outlook Incident Tickets This article will...
Quick Changeover Event on a Mold Setup Process
Table of contentsWhat is SMED?SMED BenefitsQuick Changeover Event on a Mold Setup ProcessRelated articles What is SMED? Lean Six Sigma SMED meaning (Definition: Single Minute Exchange of Die) is a manufacturing system that dramatically reduces the time required to...